
Video:  Iceman!    


Network:  Discovery Channel

Series: Unsolved History
Episode: Ultimate Guide: Iceman


Leading researchers race against time to defrost and take scientific samples of the 5,300-year-old body of Otzi, the Stone Age "Iceman" uncovered in the Alps in 1991. After a decade of study of his remains, a scientist discovered that Otzi was murdered.


Running Time: 











What instruments were first used to dig up the Iceman?



How did Early Bronze Age people in Europe make their living?



What parts are missing from the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs?



What happened when the Iceman was allowed to thaw?



What 2 countries argued over ownership of the Iceman?



What country officially owns the Iceman?



Why was the Iceman NOT destroyed by the grinding action of the glacier?



List 4 items that the Iceman had when he died.



What was the Iceman’s height?                               His weight?               



What were the mushrooms for?



During what season did the Iceman die?



Were all of the Iceman’s tools made out of the same type of wood?



Why were archaeologists excited about the condition of the leather?



What 2 elements are in bronze?



How many years ago did bronze appear in Europe?



Did the scientist completely trust the answer he got from the first carbon-14 test?


                                                What did he do about it?



According to carbon-14 dating, about how old is the Iceman?



How much tin was in the axe?



What was the axe head made of?



The axe the Iceman carried had a raised flange axe head to increase its strength.  Why were archaeologists surprised that the Iceman had an axe like this?



On what parts of his body were the Iceman’s tattoos located?



What did the wear on the Iceman’s teeth show?



Where were the villages in the Alps built?



What were the roofs of the lake dwellings made of?



What important resource was traded widely during the Copper Age?  (Hint:  The answer is NOT copper.)



List 3 items that were found when the archaeologists went back to the site where the Iceman was found.



List 2 things that scientists hope to learn by doing more tests on the Iceman.



Why was the Iceman crossing the Alps?



Name the 3 great religious leaders who lived and died while the Iceman lay frozen for 5,000 years. 




Network: Discovery Channel

Released on cassette: 


Last modified


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