
Chemistry Teacher 
Normal Community High School


Education:  Hold a Master’s degree in Chemistry (1992)
                                  lllinois State University, Normal, Illinois 
                       Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry with Honors (1989)  
                                  lIlinois State University, Normal, Illinois

Mr Christopherson

  Mr. Christopherson


About Me  :I have worked as a research chemist for The Upjohn Company, but found I enjoyed interacting with students and teaching more than real work.

Teach: Honors Chemistry and Chemistry

Professional Interests:  Develop web based curricula to enhance the students classroom experience. I know very little about programming and  ‘web’ but can see how it can be useful to students.   My greatest expertise is in developing PowerPoint  presentations.  I also take great pride and enjoy mentoring new chemistry teachers at my school.

Professional Goal:  Work with chemistry teachers to share chemistry lessons, demonstrations, and tutorial programs via the internet. 

                                      I would publish others work on my site (they would be given credit on the page).  Any teacher could use these lessons and ideas.


Favorite Parables:   The Station - by Robert J. Hastings  &   The Parable of the Pebbles

Personal Interests:  I love my family, gardening, photography, wood-working and home repair & remodeling.  

                                     Most summers I can be found in my yard or gardens watching them (kids and plants) grow and change.

Teaching Style: I try to bring a professional attitude to the students about the dangers of chemicals and how to handle them safely. 
                              My teaching stylis a volatile mix of high enthusiasm, dry humor, and story telling to explain chemical concepts.  
                              I try to perform lots of demonstrations to enlighten and excite students.
                              Students will rarely say “I’m bored” in my classroom. They 
know the work is hard, but they have fun.


·    Spring 2020 voted "Favorite Teacher - March Madness" at NCHS   

·    Honorary Ironman (NCHS Homecoming 2019)

·    Merlot Classics Award Winner for 2016 by Editors Choice:  

      Invited speaker for the Innovate Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana,  April 20-22, 2016 (unable to attend)  

·    ACS Division of Chemical Education Award for Excellence in High School Teaching  (2011) at the Joint Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting in St. Louis, MO.

·    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign EnLiST participant (2011-2012)

·    Who's Who Among America's Teachers (1998, 2000)

·    Davidson Award - Chemistry Teacher of the Year - Illinois (2010)

·    Who's Who Among America's Teachers (1998, 2005, 2006, 2007)

·    Moveable Feast Instructor (Summer 2008-2016 - Expertise:  PowerPoint, SharePoint Designer and web presence)

·    Illinois State Board of Education Those Who Excel Award of Recognition (2008-2009)

·    Induction into the National Honor Roll's Outstanding American Teachers organization (2007)

·    American Chemical Society (Illinois Heartland Local Section) 
                    High School Teacher of the Year 2004

·    Recipient of Beyond the Books Grants (multiple years)

·    American Chemical Society (Illinois Heartland Local Section)
                   Outstanding Chemistry Student 1989


Shutterfly PHOTO Website 

Chemistry Web Site - High School (CeMast Newsletter -page 2)    2007

Schoolwires site

 moodle site   

                         Course ManagementSystem 2007 (webmaster) 2007 (webmaster)

      www.unit5.old/christjs 2002-06   (archived) 2008  (webmaster)  (webmaster)

Instructional Support CD (Chemistry) 2007 v7.0

“Effects of Exercise Detraining on Lipid Storage in Rats”
Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science (1999)
Volume 92, 3 and 4, pp. 203-209.

 “Clinical Experiences & Student Teaching Handbook”
Biology/Chemistry/Physics/Technology – Contributing Author
Alliance for Scientific Literacy – Illinois State University (1998)




·       In-service presentation for NCHS staff on LOOM and Remote Presentation Techniques (Sept 25, 2020)  

·       Science Palooza - Prairieland Elementary Science Fair (April 2017, 2018, 2019) "Chemistry Extravaganza"

·       5th Grade Elementary Classes Prairieland  Elementary School (2016) "Chemistry Extravaganza"

·       Science Palooza - Prairieland Elementary Science Fair (April 16, 2015) "Chemistry Extravaganza" presented with John Bergmann

·       Science Palooza - Prairieland Elementary Science Fair (April  2016) "Chemistry Extravaganza" presented with John Bergmann

·    5th Grade Elementary Classes Prairieland  Elementary School (2015) "Chemistry Extravaganza"

·       Science Palooza - Prairieland Elementary Science Fair (April 16, 2015) "Chemistry Extravaganza" presented with John Bergmann

·       Benjamin Elementary Science Fair (April 14, 2015) "Chemistry Extravaganza" presented with Mike Roller

·     Grove Science Fair (April 7, 2015) Grove Elementary School "Chemistry Extravaganza" presented with Mike Roller

·     Betabrain Volunteer (March 13, 2015) STEM group science solving experiments at Kinglsey Junior High (Grades 6-12)

·     Presenter at In-service for Unit 5 Schools - Course Management System with Joel Swanson (Jan 2015)

·       Science Palooza - Chemistry Demonstration Show   (April. 8, 2014) at Prairieland Elementary, Normal, IL presented with John Bergmann

·     Benjamin Elementary Science Fair (April 15, 2014) presented with Mike Roller

·     5th Grade Elementary Classes Prairieland Elementary Chemistry Demonstrations (May 8, 2014) presented with Dr. Indu Christopherson (ISU)

·     Grove Science Fair (April 28, 2014) Grove Elementary School presented with Mike Roller

·     NAACP Chemistry Judge (April 28, 2014)

·     Betabrain (April 26, 2014) STEM group science solving experiments at NCHS (Grades 6-12)

·     Benjamin Elementary Class visit (with Chem 2 classes present hands-on lessons for four 4th grade classes) 2013 with Mike Roller

·      High School Chemistry CompetitionChemistry Demonstrator (May 2, 2012) presented with John Bergmann and Michael Roller at Illinois State University

·      Science Palooza - Chemistry Demonstration Show   (April. 19, 2012) at Prairieland Elementary, Normal, IL presented with John Bergmann

·     Technology Coach - Normal Community High School (2011-Present)

·     "Web Tools Speed Dating" Presenter at IllinIce sponsored meeting Oct 1, 2011 at Bloomington Junior High School.

·        Cub Scout - Chemistry Demonstration Show   Feb. 2, 2011 (at Prairieland Elementary, Normal, IL) 

·        ACT Prep Class for High School Students - (April 2011-2015)

·        ISU Chemistry Club Meeting:  Chemistry Demonstrations - Invited Speaker  (Jan. 31, 2011)

·     Chemistry Methods Students at Illinois State University (Jan. 10, 2011) - on Instructional Support CD and Website  "A SEA of Opportunities" 

·     IEA Student Program Fall Conference:  A Collaborative PowerPoint Resource for Chemistry  Nov. 20, 2010 (at Doubletree Hotel in Bloomington, IL) 

·       "Digital Mania"  Unit 5 Summer Technology Camp Instructor:  PowerPoint, Illini Data, PhotoStory Summer, 2010, 2011, 2012

·        Chemistry Methods Students at Illinois State University (Jan. 26, 2010) - on Instructional Support CD and Website

·       "Illini Data" Teacher In-Service at Normal Community High School (Jan. 4, 2010) - Normal, IL  

·         ACS National Chemistry Week - Children's Discovery Museum (Oct. 24, 2009)- Demonstrations

                 ·       Moveable Feast Instructor (Summer 2008 -2015) - Expertise:  PowerPoint  & SharePoint Designer

·         Illini Data Instructor (Summer  2009)

·      Jeff Christopherson & Joe Jelinek "Integrating Technology into Your Instruction" Teacher In-Service at Normal Community High School (January 7, 2008) - Normal, IL

·        Jeff Christopherson "A Collaborative PowerPoint Resource for Chemistry Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers (IACT) Annual Meeting (October 5, 2007) - Normal, IL (Illinois State University)

·       Jeff Christopherson Taught PDA  Class - How to Make An Instuctional Support CD (Summer 2007)

·         Jeff Christopherson Titled Instructional Support CD and Collaborative Website Paper ID 1022486  American Chemical Society 233rd National Meeting   (March 26, 2007) - Chicago, IL

·         Jeff Christopherson and John Bergmann Titled Interactive and Collaborative WebsiteEnhancing Chemistry Conference - Champaign, IL (March 16, 2007) (University of Illinois)

·         Jeff Christopherson Free Instructional Support Chemistry CD  Annual High School Chemistry Competition (2006) - Bradley University

·         Jeff Christopherson "Instructional Support CD" Illinois Association of Chemistry Teachers (IACT) Annual Meeting (October 6, 2006) - Normal, IL (Illinois State University)

·         Jeff Christopherson and Kevin Hodel Titled Interactive and Collaborative Website Science in the South 10th Annual Conference (March 10, 2006)- Carbondale, IL (Southern Illinois University) 
Halloween Article



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