Chemical Equations                           Return to Spanish Topics

Lesson Plans & Lecture Outlines

     Unit 5 Notes - Chemical Equations (students Espaņol
     Honor's Chemistry (Corwin text) (key) Overheads  Espaņol

Full PowerPoint - Chemical Equations (76 slides)   Espaņol
     General (30 slides)  Espaņol


     Vocabulary: Chemical Equations  Espaņol
     Paragraph:  Chemical Equations  Espaņol
     Balancing and Classifying Equations  Espaņol
     Word Equations Key  Espaņol
     Activity Series Clean  Espaņol
     Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Equations  Espaņol
     Ion Chart  Espaņol
     Solubility Chart  Espaņol
     Real Life Chemistry  Espaņol
     Article "Designer Catalyst"
     Article "Toothpaste"
     Ch 7 questions
     Textbook Questions

     Thermite Reaction

Labs should be done under teacher supervision and all safety
issues should be addressed before beginning the lab.
     Glassware Identification

Topics Review
     Get a refresher on topics we use throughout the semester.
     Rules for Significant Figures

Last modified

replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords replace with your keywords