Solutions                                           Return to Spanish Topics

Lesson Plans & Lecture Outlines

     Unit 11 Notes - Solutions (18 pages) (students Espaņol

 Full PowerPoint - Solutions (190 slides)   Espaņol
     General (38 slides)  Espaņol


     Vocabulary - Solutions  Espaņol
     Molarity of Solutions  Espaņol
     Dilution of Solutions II  Espaņol
     Molarity and Stoichiometry  Espaņol
     Colligative Properties  Espaņol  II
     Textbook problems
     Article "Hot and Cold Packs"  ChemMatters Feb. 1987 Questions  Espaņol
     Chemistry and History of Soaps and Detergents
     Soap Article ChemMatters Feb. 1985 Questions  Espaņol  II
     Article "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff"  Espaņol
     The Visible Spectra of Soda Pop  Espaņol
     Bob Hazelton Article - Steroids  Espaņol
     Video:  H2Overview
     Textbook Questions  Espaņol

     Nylon Synthesis 
     Saturated Solution
     Cold Pack / Hot Pack
     Solubility (Polar / Nonpolar)
     Sodium Silicate Crystal Garden
     Rock Candy
     Tyndall Effect
     Liquid Nitrogen

Labs should be done under teacher supervision and all safety
issues should be addressed before beginning the lab.
     Lab:  SOAP making  Espaņol
     Lab:  Ions in Aqueous Solution  Espaņol
     Lab:  Serial Dilution Activity  Espaņol
     Salol lab
     Titration of Vitamin C with Iodine  Espaņol

Topics Review
     Get a refresher on topics we use throughout the semester.
     Kramer & Newman Vacation...Seinfeld
     Solutions - Concentrations
     Molarity - Calculations
     Normality - Calculations
     Molality - Calculations
     Molality - Freezing Point Lowering
     Molality - Boiling Point Elevation
     Vapor Pressure & Boiling Point

Last modified

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