Introduction to Chemistry                Return to Spanish Topics

Lesson Plans & Lecture Outlines

     Unit 1 Notes - Introduction to Chemistry (students) Espaņol
     Honor's Chemistry (notes) (key) Overheads  Espaņol
     Topics List

 Full PowerPoint - Introduction to Chemistry (288 slides)  Espaņol
     General Espanol


     Material Safety Data Sheet questions  Espaņol
     Real Life Chemistry  Espaņol
     Conversion Factors  Espaņol
     Scientific Notation  Espaņol
     Mathematics of Chemistry (key Espaņol
     Metric Article questions  Espaņol
     Math Review  Espaņol
     Graphing  Graph Paper Generator  Espaņol
     Significant Digits  Espaņol
     Vocabulary - Introduction to Chemistry  Espaņol
     Textbook Questions  Espaņol
     Review Sheet  Espaņol

     Checkbook Activity - Scientific Method  Espaņol
     Remsen Reaction Video
     Disappearing Ink
     Penny into Gold - Alchemist Dream 
     Waterlock (sodium polyacrylate) / Diaper
     Melting Mole Dollar
     Sterno (burning hand)
     Penny in nitric acid
     Safety shower & eyewash
     Acetone / NH4OH / R-OH / H2O (safety)

Labs should be done under teacher supervision and all safety
issues should be addressed before beginning the lab.
     Safety Contract
     Glassware identification & Labware
     Candle Lab  Espaņol
     Textbook Activity
     Home Inventory of Chemicals
     Measurement Prelab
     Measurement Lab
     Aluminum Copper Chloride  Espaņol
     Scientific Notation Lab
     MSDS Sheets from FLINN Scientific

Topics Review
     Get a refresher on topics we use throughout the semester.      
     Areas of Chemistry
     Rules for Significant Figures
     Scientific Method
     SI Measurements
     Mathematics in Chemistry
     Rules for Significant Figures
     Significant Figures:  Addition & Subtraction
     Significant Figures:  Multiplication & Division
     Scientific Notation (Powers of Ten)
     Powers of Ten:  Addition & Subtraction
     Powers of Ten:  Multiplication & Division
     Rules for Rounding
     Powers & Roots
     Accuracy, Absolute Value & % Error
     Precision, Deviation, Exact Number
     Laboratory Report Form
     Steps in Graphing
     Interpretation of Graphs
     Vitamin Requirements - USDA website
     Linear Least Squares Applet - Dartmouth website
     Learn the names & symbols of the elements
     Reading a vernier

Last modified

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