
Video:  The Future of the Past     GO BACK

The Infinite Voyage                         

Episode: The Future of the Past      pdf 

     Today’s world has inherited a rich trove of treasures from the past, but many factors threaten the continued survival of these priceless relics. 

     In Athens the Parthenon is crumbling from the effects of air pollution and earlier, flawed attempts at restoration; in Malibu, California, the extraordinary treasures of the J. Paul Getty Museum rest near six active earthquake faults; in Cologne, Germany, breathtaking stained glass windows that have survived five centuries of exposure are decaying in today’s atmosphere.  In each of these cases, modern technology is being utilized in innovative ways to solve the problems presented by man and nature.  THE FUTURE OF THE PAST explores the joint efforts and heartening successes of scientists and art experts in saving civilization’s heritage fro tomorrow’s generations.


Running Time:  58 minutes

Color/Not Rated/VHS


Released on cassette:  1990




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