
Gas Review Problem #1:     GO BACK 

1)  A quantity of gas has a volume of 200 dm3 at 17oC and 106.6 kPa.  To what temperature (oC) must the gas be cooled for its volume to be reduced to 150 dm3 at a pressure of 98.6 kPa?

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Gas Review Problem #1

1)  A quantity of gas has a volume of 200 dm3 at 17oC and 106.6 kPa.  To what temperature (oC) must the gas be cooled for its volume to be reduced to 150 dm3 at a pressure of 98.6 kPa?

Write given information:

  •         V1  =  200 dm3                                 V2  =  150 dm3
  •         T1  =  17 oC  +  273   =  290 K        T2  =  _______
  •         P1  =  106.6 kPa                                P2  =  96.8 kPa


Write equation:       


Substitute into equation:       

Solve for T2:   T2  =  201 K

Recall: oC  +  273  =  Kback

Therefore:  Temperature  =  -71oC

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