
Gas Review Problem #6:     GO BACK

6)  Iron (II) sulfide reacts with hydrochloric acid as follows:

FeS(s)  +  2 HCl(aq)  -->  FeCl2(aq)  +  H2S(g)

What volume of H2S, measured at 30oC and 95.1 kPa, will be produced when 132 g of FeS reacts?

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Gas Review Problem #6

6)  Iron (II) sulfide reacts with hydrochloric acid as follows:

FeS(s)  +  2 HCl(aq)  -->  FeCl2(aq)  +  H2S(g)

What volume of H2S, measured at 30oC and 95.1 kPa, will be produced when 132 g of FeS reacts?

Calculate number of moles of H2S...

        x mole H2S  =  132 g FeS  = 1.50 mol H2S

Write given information:

  •     P  =  95.1 kPa

  •     n  =  1.5 mole H2S

  •     R  =  8.314 L kPa/mol K

  •     T  =  30oC  +  273  =  303 K

Equation:    PV  =  nRT

Substitute into Equation:        back

Solve equation for Volume:  V  =  39.7 L

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