
Do You Know these Men from ATOM?:

      I am the father of modern chemistry.  I disproved the phlogiston theory.     I discovered that cathode rays were small negative particles, electrons.  I like plum-pudding.     I observed that specific substances always contain elements in the same ratio by mass.     I organized all the different types of atoms into a table based on regular patterns or periodicity.  I also speek fluent Russian.     I used my law of multiple proportions and other evidence to suggest my indivisible particle model.  I was also color blind.

I proposed the law:  equal volumes of gases, at the same conditions of temperature and pressure, contain the same number of particles.      I suggested that electrons travel in definite energy levels around the nucleus.      I provided the first evidence for the existence of electrons.  My device is the ancestor of your T.V.     I predicted the existence of neutrons and made a model with a positive nucleus and mostly empty space.      I worked with Neils Bohr and Albert Einstein to make the present day charge-cloud model of the atom.    

 I was a student of Ernest Rutherford who, along with Joseph Marsden, measured alpha particle defelections in the famous gold-foil experiment.     I helped to develop the present day model of the atom.  I also discovered the photoelectric effect.     

Neils Bohr                        Amedeo Avagadro                    Antoine Lavoisier                William Proust

    J.J. Thomson                   Sir William Crookes                  Albert Einstein                      Ernest Rutheford

       Max Planck                      John Dalton                                Dimitri Mendeleev               Hans Geiger

Jeff Christopherson        Democritus of Abdera, c. 450 BCE

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